Could Israel’s Protests Succeed?
This year, news from Israel and Palestine were dominated by two ongoing developments. The first concerns widespread, persistent protests against the Israeli government’s “judicial overhaul”: a series of bills which, if passed, would significantly weaken the Supreme Court. Protesters have mounted remarkably audacious demonstrations, attended by as many as 500,000 participants – more than any […]
The Silent Transfer of Palestinians from Area C
This column was originally published on Ynet, in Hebrew and in English. About three weeks ago, Supreme Court Justices Noam Sohlberg, Anat Baron and Yael Willner allowed the state to destroy the Palestinian community of Khan al-Ahmar and expel its citizens to a site near a dumpster in Abu Dis. A total of 32 families—173 […]
The Future of Palestinian Resistance is in Israel
This article was also published on 972. Over the years, both the Israeli and Palestinian Left have learned to lower their expectations — to live on crumbs of hope. So who is left to lead peace negotiations? Trump? We’ll see what he has to offer, and probably be disappointed. In Israel there is not a […]
The Occupation is Sustainable
This post was originally published in Hebrew, in Haaretz. There are two prevailing myths among the Israeli left that we should critically examine. First, that the occupation is destined to fail: the Palestinians will not tolerate it forever, and so we can anticipate further rounds of violence, ultimately leading to its collapse. Second, that Israel […]
Neo-fascism and Neoliberal Hegemony
Most political commentators failed to capture the true depth of the Trump problem. At the moment, many are wondering whether he would deliver on his promises, and just how different would he be in comparison to previous presidents. We have grown used to empty promises, and so, many on the left hope that president Trump […]
Reimagining Abbas’ Speech at the UN General Assembly
This post was also published on 972mag, Mondoweiss, and the Brandeis Hoot. I come before you today from Palestine to sound the alarm about what is happening in Jerusalem, about what is happening in the West Bank and Gaza and about what is happening in Israel. I come before you to sound the alarm about what […]